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Friday 20 February 2015

Diary of a sankwas girl

What a week it has been! 

I can't remember the last time I felt so frustrated. I can't even get into it, I'm channelling my inner calm and pressing unto the future lol.

Some weeks everything just gets on top of you- or maybe you just allow it to. Things that wouldn't normally make you emotional suddenly get the better of you, is that just a woman thing?

I recently found out that someone who used to be really special to me has just gotten engaged. Weirdest feeling, for many reasons- another girl thing. I'm really happy where I's not even about the what ifs- it's just memories of the past. It's always so easy to second guess yourself, almost ask why you weren't good enough......... but like I said, it's been one of those weeks.

Whenever the going gets tough and I can't change the situation I try to change my attitude to the situation. I'm giving it time. Time to re affirm to myself that I'm worth it, that I don't have to second guess myself.

Insecurity is not cute. There's nothing attractive about self pity. Keep going, what's meant for you will be for you.


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